Here you will find news relevant to the activities of the initiative including webinars, talks, consulting projects, publications, participation in conferences and meetings mostly relevant to resilience of critical infrastructure with emphasis on transport and energy assets and their intra/interdependencies, views on the UNs Sustainable Development Goals and use of digital and emerging technologies in infrastructure risk-based management
May 19
Meeting with Highways England: “University research – highway structures – hydraulic actions & extreme weather events”

May 19
London Bridges Engineering Group
On the 10th of May we participated in the London Bridges Engineering Group (LoBEG) AGM, where we presented our ongoing survey for developing restoration curves for bridges exposed to hydraulic hazards.
Our research activities are aligned with the bridge management strategy for the London boroughs developed and implemented by LoBEG.
Apr 19
Special Session on “Monitoring strategies for enhancing transport infrastructure resilience”, IABMAS2020, June 28-July 2, Sapporo, Japan
We are happy to announce the organisation of a special session with the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) from UK, on “Monitoring strategies for enhancing transport infrastructure resilience”. This special session will take place in IABMAS 2020 conference, June 28 – July 2, Sapporo, Japan.
Submission of abstracts is extended till the 1st of June, here
[S41] Monitoring strategies for enhancing transport infrastructure resilience
Monitoring strategies are crucial in assessing rapidly and reliably the safety level, e.g. structural and geotechnical capacity, and the functionality, e.g. traffic capacity, of transport infrastructure assets. The importance of integrated monitoring systems emanates from the significance of the traffic disruptions and functionality loss of transport infrastructure. However, the vast of monitoring data and evidence, which is being made available on a daily basis to transport asset owners, remains unexploited. This includes terrestrial, e.g. data by CCTV cameras and mobile activity, monitoring of assets, and airborne data, e.g. InSAR, UAV/Drone sensors, hyperspectral imaging, aerial photography, and open-access crowd data, e.g. Google or Waze traffic data, population, weather and air pollution conditions. The Special Session intends to promote the exchange of knowledge concerning the use of monitoring systems toward well-informed quantitative risk analysis and resilience assessments for transport assets in an effort to efficiently manage assets, reduce maintenance costs and increase the resilience of our infrastructure.
Apr 19
Special Session on “Loss and resilience assessment tools for infrastructure exposed to natural hazards”- ICONHIC2019, Chania, Crete, 23-26 June
Our Special Session on “loss and resilience assessment tools for infrastructure exposed to natural hazards”, is approaching!
Nisrine Makhoul, Notre Dame University, Lebanon
Sotiris Argyroudis, University of Surrey, UK & Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece
Jong Sung Lee National Center for Supercomputing Applications, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA
Please have a look at:
Apr 19
Minisymposium on “Novel methods for seismic design and intervention of Conventional and Integral Bridges”, COMPDYN 2019, Crete, June 24-26
Our Minisymposium “Novel methods for seismic design and intervention of Conventional and Integral Bridges”, is now on, please have a look at COMPDYN 2019 Conference, Crete, June 24-26:
Camillo Nuti (Universita Roma Tre, Italy)
George Mylonakis (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Flavia De Luca (University of Bristol, United Kingdom)
Stergios Mitoulis (University of Surrey, United Kingdom)
Davide Lavorato (Universita Roma Tre, Italy)
Gabriele Fiorentino (Universita Roma Tre, Italy)
7th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Crete, June 24-26
Apr 19
Special Session in Integral Bridge design-IABMAS 2020 Conference
Our Special Session in Integral Bridge design is now on please have a look at IABMAS 2020 Conference (June 28-July 2):
[SS35] Latest developments on seismic response of integral abutment bridges
Bruno Briseghella, College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, China;
Stergios Mitoulis, University of Surrey, UK;
Camillo Nuti, Department of Architecture, University of Roma Tre, Italy;
Alessandro Palermo, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury, New Zealand;
Philip W. Yen, International Association of Bridge Earthquake Engineering, IABEE, USA
Integral abutment bridges (IABs) are becoming rather common due to the durability problems of bearings and expansion joints. Monolithic connections between the deck and sub-structure allow to increase the structure redundancy and reduce the maintenance costs. However, soil-structure effects are induced by thermal variations, long-term effects and seismic loads. Several authors have investigated the soil-structure interaction for IABs, but there is still a lack of common line guidelines and codes. This Special Session intends to provide a discussion platform for the exchange of knowledge concerning latest research developments on seismic behavior of IABs.
Mar 19
Workshop, 1 March 2019@London: Risk & Resilience of bridges and networks
There was a lot of interaction and extremely interesting conversations as to what the future of resilience engineering looks like for transport networks. A follow-up elicitation poll is on its way. The workshop will be repeated in early June due to the number of people who expressed interest.
Participants from other academic institutions, Highways England, Councils, consultancies, London Boroughs, Transport Scotland, and Governemental bodies attended this workshop!
Feb 19
A successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship on the resilience of interdependent infrastructure assets
Another successful project H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship on the resilience of interacting infrastructure assets in densely populated urban areas exposed to diverse hazards! The Fellow Prof Juan Manuel Mayoral is joining our group in August 2019.
“ResilienTTS: Resilience of Transit Transfer Stations exposed to multiple natural hazards”
Feb 19
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship on bridge monitoring enhanced resilience
We just won one more H2020-Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship on bridge monitoring enhanced resilience!
BriFace: Novel assessment of bridge retrofitting measures through Interface Efficiency Indices (InterFeis) using a Guided Wave-based monitoring method
Jan 19
DYnamic identification and MOnitoring of scoured BRIdgeS under earthquake hazard
We have recently won the European research project “DYMOBRIS”, as part of the H2020-SERA-TA project (Transnational Access Facilities). We will be testing large scale bridge pier specimens under mulitple hazards (flood-induced scour and earthquake excitations).
More details can be found here