If you love bridges and want to protect them against floods then delve into the details of our recent article. With this paper you can assess the potential losses and risk of a bridge that is exposed to flood and scour effects. Use the fragility models of our latest paper with Dr Sotirios Argyroudis Vulnerability of bridges to individual and multiple hazards- floods and earthquakes published online in Reliability Engineering and System Safety (journal pre-proof available here
This is part of the results of the research project TRANSRISK funded by H2020 MSCA actions, aiming at the quantification of resilience of transport systems of assets exposed to multiple hazards. In this paper, we study systemically the vulnerability of different types of flood critical river-crossing bridges based on 3D numerical modelling, accounting for the uncertainties in scour hole geometry and location. Furthermore, we study the seismic fragility of scoured bridges. The fragility models provide practical means in resilience-based management by owners and operators of transport infrastructure. A paper on the restoration of flood critical bridges is coming soon!